"Supporting your journey towards

embodiment and Self-leadership"

“Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness.”

Peter A. Levine

Watch my presentation "Somatics & Psychedelics: How to use body awareness to heal trauma and integrate and unfold intense experiences" 

From the INSIGHT conference 2021 in Berlin.

Download and read "What a shame!".

A pamphlet on shame and its origin.

Written by Stephan Niederwieser and illustrated by me.

Internal Family Systems (IFS)

- Do you carry parts deep inside that are longing to be heard, understood and healed?

- Would you like to transform your relationship with yourself and overcome anxiety and unhealthy coping strategies?

All your parts are welcome!

I offer IFS sessions to help you get to know your Self and work towards becoming more Self-led in life.

I’m available for online video calls as well as in person sessions in my practice in Kreuzberg, Berlin.

Languages:  English & Swedish

Book a free 20 min online consultation so we can get to know each other.

"We all have parts, and there are no bad parts”

IFS starts from the premise that each of us has a healthy core of consciousness with qualities like compassion, calmness, and curiosity. This healthy Self is like the sun behind the clouds - it’s always there.

IFS recognises that as humans, we consist of multiple parts or sub-personalities. Due to early experiences, we’ve often had to suppress certain aspects of ourselves and disconnect from our authentic Self to fit in. Consequently, we lose touch with who we truly are.

Rather than viewing our parts as pathological when they exhibit extreme behaviours - such as intense anger, self-criticism, suicidal thoughts, substance abuse, or eating disorders - IFS suggests that these parts serve a protective function. They shield us from feeling the painful experiences we’ve been through.

These painful experiences (referred to as “Exiles” in IFS) are encapsulated in our nervous system. With the help of our protective parts (known as “Protectors”), we are able to push away or conceal what hurts within us.

IFS assists us in identifying, understanding, getting to know, and connecting with the different parts within our inner system.  IFS can also help to  heal and unburden these parts from trauma or false beliefs restoring connection, vitality and joy in your life.

Online fee:          60min: 70€ / 90min: 95€

In my practice:   60min: 80€ / 90min: 110€

Appointment cancellation latest 24 hours in advance. In the event of a last-minute cancellation or no-show, the appointment will be charged.

"When we come to understand the parts of ourselves that are hurt or scared, we can begin to heal from our past wounds"

Richard Schwartz

Somatic Coaching

- Do you feel disconnected from your body or want to live a more embodied life? 

- Would you like to release energetic blocks and holding patterns accessing more life force, vitality and happiness?

- Would you like to explore how emotions move through your body and how you can regulate your nervous system in order to open up for more capacity to feel without getting overwhelmed?

I offer a gentle approach for helping you access the intelligence of your own body, where processes can unfold and complete in their own time while letting you befriend your own nervous system.

In my Somatic Coaching sessions I use the following methods and concepts depending on what needs arises:

  • Embodiment focusing on energetic blocks as well as resources
  • Trauma awareness
  • Following impulses and supporting the body to unfold in its own pace
  • Teaching essential skills of Self-regulation and Co-regulation
  • IFS: Parts work & connection to Self

  • A bottom-up and top-down workflow inspired by NARM

  • Hands-on and hands-off techniques for working with the autonomic nervous system

  • Trauma-sensitive breathing exercises

  • Polyvagal theory, according to Dr.Stephen W Porges

  • And most importantly: compassion, regulation and my full presence

60min: 80€  / 120min : 145€  

Appointment cancellation latest 24 hours in advance. In the event of a last-minute cancellation or no-show, the appointment will be charged.

“The two most important phrases in therapy, as in yoga, are “Notice that” and “What happens next?” Once you start approaching your body with curiosity rather than with fear, everything shifts.”

Bessel A. van der Kolk


Authentic Movement

Authentic Movement is a form of expressive movement therapy that invites you to explore your inner world through movement, sound and breath. You will be guided by your own impulses and sensations, without any judgement or expectation.Unexpressed or unheard emotions, needs or boundaries can finally be allowed to unfold and to be witnessed by a present and compassionate other.

Authentic Movement can help you connect with your authentic Self, heal emotional wounds, and unleash your creativity. This class is suitable for anyone who wants to discover a new way of self-expression and self-awareness. No previous dance experience is required.

For the latest updates on classes join my Telegram Group:


Somatic Psychology

We invite you to explore and get to know your body and your nervous system, two of the most vital parts of your wellbeing. Traditional therapy has for a long time left these parts out, but finally more and more people are getting aware of its importance in learning how us humans are functioning and how stress and trauma impacts us on the visceral and nervous system level.

We will meet for 5 workshops to dive deeper into embodiment practices and theory to get to know the Polyvagal theory.
The material is based on practices like Somatic Experiencing, Polyvagal theory, Authentic Movement & Narm.

The training is for people who want to work on personal processes in a guided setting, and who already have some experience with embodiment and are looking for deepening and understanding of the healing of trauma, anxiety or depression. This practice group is not intended to replace therapy, but is meant to work as a somatic support alongside whatever therapy the participant is undertaking.

For the latest updates on classes join my Telegram Group:


Trance Dance

You are welcome to join us on a blind-folded trance dance journey with raw cacao and hypnotic music. It's a practice where you get to shake out all the core tensions embedded deep within your fascia, while expanding into non ordinary states for gaining insights and new perspectives on topics you choose to focus on.

- We begin and end together. It is important that you stay with us the whole journey, even if you just sit and rest without music.
- Let your somatic awareness and body unfold.
- Enter deep trance by keeping a determined focus on the music and body.
- Please respect each other's journey. Only interact when it is consensual.
- Dance in noble silence. Spontaneous sounds are welcome.
- Other than that, feel free to be whatever unfolds.

For the latest updates on classes join my Telegram Group:


Authentic Breath

One of our main ways to avoid unwanted feelings is to control our breath.

Often in a very early stage in life we learn that certain feelings like fear, sadness or anger are not wanted. From the fear of being abandoned we try to avoid these feelings by contracting the diaphragm, chest and surrounding muscles and stopping the emotion from reaching our vital body. As adults many of us still subconsciously suppress certain feelings by not allowing our breath to run free. We can also find our fascia in the chest and solar plexus to be stagnated and blocked after a lifetime of repeating the same patterns, making it difficult to even physically take a full breath.

In this workshop you are invited to form a new relationship and awareness with your breath, learning how to allow the natural expansion and contraction of the lungs to lead the way for how your breath and body actually wants to regulate its emotional state in the present moment.

Authentic breath is informed by practices like Authentic Movement, Vipassana meditation and various breath work practices. It’s a somatic practice based on embodiment, sensory awareness and a trauma aware release of unexpressed feelings. We will work with witnessing and being witnessed as our stored emotions and tensions naturally unwind.

For the latest updates on classes join my Telegram Group:


Johan Planefeldt

IFS Practitioner & Somatic educator

In 2011 I discovered my love for somatics which took me on a deep embodiment journey studying practices like Authentic Movement, BMC, Butoh, HolotropicBreathwork & Vipassana.

As more and more emotions and fragments from the past kept coming up in these practices, I got inspired to dive deeper into the body-mind complex. I started exploring trauma informed somatic therapies like Somatic Experiencing, Polyvagal Theory, NARM until I finally found the missing piece in Internal Family Systems.  I am now mixing the bottom-up and top-down approach guiding my clients towards nervous system regulation, embodiment , Self-leadership and self-compassion.


- IFS Level 1 (taught by Jory Agate)

- A Year Of Polyvagal with Deb Dana - from PSPSI

- Psychedelic Wisdom - Sounds True

- Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma, NICABM

- Smart Bodies Smart Minds - Irene Lyon

- Somatic Base education, in the co-curated TanzProjekt at Somatic Academy Berlin 2013


Book an appointment:

+49 1578 4949474 info@johanplanefeldt.com



Coaching is taking place in my practice at Ohlauer Str. 4, Kreuzberg, Berlin